

Monday, 9 September 2013

Story of VinayaKa Chavithi - Andhra 3G

Today is vinayaka Chavithi (Ganesh Chaturdi) So, i want to post about the Vinayaka Chavithi

Birth of  Ganesha :

   Gouri Devi While Going to Bath made a figure of a child with Pasupu (Turmeric) and gave life to it . Then asked ganesha to watch no one to enter until her bath Completed . In the mean while Lord Shiva Came and wants to enter . But Ganesha Refused . Then Lord Siva "Removed the head" of Ganesa .

After Parvathi(Gouri) Coming from Bath ,She saw the dead Ganesa and told siva about ganesa and asked him to give life to him again

Then siva sent his force to search a dead body facing Uttaram (North) direction(& to get the head of that dead body) . They searched the whole world but didn't got the human dead body facing North . Then they Found a dead Elephant facing North & got the head of it .

Lord shiva Joined Ganesa Body with the Elephant Head and then Ganesa become alive

Ganesa has a Huge stomach and short Body .

On the BhadraPadi Chavithi day "Chandra(Moon)" saw Vinayaka and laughed at him . Then Lord Ganesa got anger and gave him Sapam (MisFortune) that "the persons who see him on that CHAVITHI DAY will be hunted by bad luck "

Then Chandra Came to Ganesa and apologized him for his sin and asked the remedy to that sapam . Then he said about the Vinayaka Chavithi Ratham .

One who Do s Vinayaka Chavithi Ratham will be Far away from the SAPAM given to Chandra

Photos of Vinayaka Chavithi Ratham @ my Home :

Before Pooja
 After Pooja

1 comment:

  1. I think they wont find a dead elephant, it's alive one named as gajendra.
